Long Ashton Churches
online and in person
Long Ashton has two churches worked together to create the Long Ashton Christmas Trail – All Saints Church (Church of England) and Hebron Church (independent).
There are details of each church below. If you’d like more information about either church, including regular service times please click one of the ‘connect with us online’ or register your details with us using the buttons at the bottom.
Connect with us online:
All Saints is the parish church of Long Ashton and part of the benefice of Long Ashton, Flax Bourton and Barrow Gurney.
We have a number of formal and less formal services, aimed at everyone from 1 to 101. There are regular communion and family services, and a monthly less formal café-church style service.
Connect with us online:
We are an independent church who have been worshipping in Long Ashton since 1934.
As a church we want to grow in our relationship with God and to invite other people to discover Him for themselves. We aim to be a church where all people can feel welcome and can know that they ‘belong’.
Regular Services and Activities
See the links to each church above for information on current services and activities.